I wrote down all the names, it weren't that much whahaha, so more chances to win this necklace made by me to complete a happy Tante Betsy dress.
Some people had their name just one time in the bowl and other ones two, three or even four times, depending if they shared the message via Facebook or Instagram or on their blog and my active followers who reply to my posts get always an extra chance, because they make blogging more fun!
I always ask the angels to help me pick a name who would really be very happy with it or just needs to win. Please note I knicked this image from Tante Betsy's Facebook account, she made this for the X-Mas discount. But where I'm going to find an Angel dressed in a Tante Betsy dress?!
The fun thing is that somebody won with her name just one time in the bowl.
Henrike de Graaf congratulations you won this give away! Gefeliciteerd!
I will send you an email for your address, so I can mail it to you.
And for the girls who didn't win, Tante Betsy her give away on Facebook...a chance to win one out of three dresses she gives away, is still open to attend. https://www.facebook.com/tantebetsyfashion
Neeltje maybe you have a relative or a friend who wants to attend for you ;).
And maybe I can do a give away like last season and give a Tante Betsy dress away, will contact Tante Betsy about that, but maybe she wants to see first more followers on this blog.
So girls when you would spread the word, that would be great!
Allright girls I will complete this post with some random Tante Betsy pictures. Today I'm not wearing a Tante Betsy dress, but a black dress for a change. Butttt today a Tante Betsy dress from last summer collection arrived :D. I think it's dress number 44 ;).
Lots of love from Susan